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Successful Writing at Work: Chapter 1

front-slider-7I think how this chapter detailed different keys to effective writing was interesting. There were four topics for this that got touched upon; identifying your audience, establishing your purpose, formulating your message, and selecting both an appropriate style and tone. A secondary topic that I found interesting was the section covering clarifying and condensing information. I oftentimes struggle with being a bit pedantic so I found this to be a rather valuable introductory portion. Spacing, capitalization, boldface, symbols, and lists were some of the methodology covered in the pursuit of helping your audience understand. The last big ticket item that stood out to me was the section covering how successful employees are successful writers. This section covered things like: knowing your job and all of its roles, working towards and meeting deadlines, and stressing how accuracy is a big thing in the job market. For me, coming from a place where I work to help people get themselves hired, it was a big thing to see how much the little details in accuracy and how effectively and professionally you communicate, really stack up.